A place to grow, to create and to serve.
The Academy of Energy Healers, LLC (AEH) was founded in August 2016 by Pearl Bertrand and Kanah Teagyn. Pearl and Kanah combine 40 years of healing and teaching expertise that has served hundreds of clients. Their proficiency in using their training and gifts in the healing arts provides an excellent educational environment. The Academy of Energy Healers provides individual clearing/cleansing/shining up of your energy field, and education/training services for practitioners, therapists, and personal growth students. The AEH is a school that provides academic experience, training, and certifications in over 60+ healing processes. We offer many ways to raise your vibratory footprint on the planet, and many modalities for those who are experienced in healing modalities and are looking for additional skills and support. We support the novice who is beginning their journey in the world of healers, as well as the seasoned practitioner who desires information and training to enhance their established clientele work.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
-Albert Einstein
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“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”
-Mahatma Gandhi
Academy of Energy Healer's Trainers & Healers

Rev. Kanah Teagyn began her journey in the healing arts as a Complementary Energy Therapist with her certification as a Master Rapid Eye Technician and Rapid Eye Trainer, and went on to complete training and certifications as a Quantum NLP Practitioner, NLP Master Practitioner, and NLP Trainer, Reiki Master, Transforming Communication Instructor, Fire Walking Instructor, Sound Healing Practitioner and Trainer, Tibetan Singing Bowls Steward and Trainer, Light Language Practitioner, Light Language Teacher Training, and Family Alignment Facilitator. Also a Dimensional Mastery teacher. Service to her family and community has inspired her to use her natural gifts to support healthy, free, dynamic relationships on all levels as a coach, an intuitive healer, and a Complementary Energy Trainer.
Kanah is the mother of nine children, who she claims as her best teachers. After raising all but one to adulthood, Kanah returned to the University arena to complete her Bachelor’s Degree in Somatic Psychology and Communications. She enjoys writing music and poetry and is an award-winning public speaker. Kanah has expanded her extra-curricular activities and interests by participating in clubs that promote hiking, fencing, and public service. To round out her hobbies, Kanah enjoys sewing, cooking, and gardening.

Rev. Pearl Bertrand is a Master Trainer, Healer, Spiritual Teacher and Curandera, the 24th generation of a long and unbroken lineage of Mayan healers that utilizes Light Language modality as one of her healing gifts. Pearl has been practicing energy healing for two decades. She has studied with Masters, Shamans, and Curanderas from around the world. She has learned over 50 advanced energetic healing techniques which come to bear in the healings and trainings. Some of her advanced energetic healing trainings include: Ho’oponopono, Theta Healing, Reiki, Emotion Code, Body Code, NLP Practitioner, NLP Master Practitioner, NLP Trainer, Divine Intervention & Spontaneous Remission Teacher, Dimensional Mastery Teacher, Light Language Practitioner, Light Language Trainer. Pearl also holds six certificates and degrees in higher education, including an A.A., B.A., M.A., TESL Certificate, MLIS, Law Librarian Certificate, and J.D. from Brigham Young University, University of Washington, and University of New Mexico.
Pearl is also a Master Wandmaker and enjoys being a creative writer and reading many different genres. She is the proud mother of one son who reads voraciously. Pearl has also served as an officer in the U.S. Army.